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I have been called to the London England South Mission. I enter the Preston MTC on March 22. I am excited to serve. Thank you so much for everyone that has shown their love and support. My mother will be updating the blog with my pictures and letters.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Life is so great! This week had been good and it's been the best week Sister Morgan and I have had since we came here. Man having faith is so much easier than doing things on your own.. Being stubborn and scared is hard work. Just do what the Lord says and it's so much easier and you have so much more strength and energy because really you're letting Him in to help so you get divine help rather than just relying on your own strength!! I know that's true. the firsts step is the hardest but from there it is so much better. Faith is seriously a power and it's real!! Once you learn how to exercise it you will wonder how you went so long without exercising it.. at least that's how i feel! ha it's wonderful.
Odessa is still good! just waiting to see when she gets work off so she can come to church and as for Jane. we arent teaching her anymore. she flogged us 3 times is a row. shame. but we are hopefully getting some solid people and we will be seeing a lot of people this week.
As for transfers I have no idea. we think I will stay and Sister morgan will go but we don't find out for a few more weeks. I haven't gotten the package and i wont get it till the 20th now!! :( i will let you know when i get it.
Nathan is so grown up!! oh my goodness!! :( what a stud haha. but sounds like life is going good. hope you have a good week and remember i love you and miss you.
love syd

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