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I have been called to the London England South Mission. I enter the Preston MTC on March 22. I am excited to serve. Thank you so much for everyone that has shown their love and support. My mother will be updating the blog with my pictures and letters.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Dear amazing family and friends,

I can't believe I am coming home. I never thought this day would come and now that it's here I wish it weren't. This week has been very humbling. I have learned that our strength alone will get us nowhere. In my study I was reading about Zeniff and his army and what they were doing to prepare to fight the Laminites. Multiple times throughout Mosiah chapters 9 and 10 he mentions how they went forth in the strength of the Lord to fight. In the account this phrase was used and I loved it. It's with the Lord's strength that we are successful. Mentioned how they remembered the Lord and prayed to him and because of that their prayers were answered. The Lamanites were strong according to man but were lacking according to God and we can be strong like that too. But if we put all of our trust in the Lord he will take us to heights we didn't know were possible.

As this is my last week I related this study to preparing myself spiritually as I go home. I will not have that protection of being a missionary. I won't be able to preach the gospel full time. But if I go home and continue to read pray and make goals I will be protected by Heavenly Father. If I will go forward and remember the Lord everything will work out. If I continue to serve and do God's will there is nothing to worry about. So grateful for this amazing mission. I have laughed and cried all the way through but it has been the most amazing journey that i have taken this far in my life. If we put our lives in the Lord's hands we will be amazed at what He helps us achieve and who He helps us to become! we can substitute all of the I's for We's because this can apply to all. :)
I am so grateful for all of your support and love through this whole thing. Your testimonies and letters and emails were what got me through a lot of weeks. I love you and will be seeing you soon!!
Love Sister Pitcher!!

Favorite Scripture and Why
Doctrine and Covenants Section 6:34-36
34 Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.
35 Behold, I do not condemn you; go your ways and sin no more; perform with soberness the work which I have commanded you.
36 Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.
This is my favorite scripture because it has brought so much comfort to me. It helps me to understand that Heavenly Father loves me and tells me that if I build my life on Jesus Christ I will be ok. I feel that He is patient with me and my weaknesses and if I do my best, always trying to improve then I have no reason to fear. Serve with all my heart and turn to Him always. My favorite bit is the last verse. I don't need to doubt or fear but look to Him who knows what is best.

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