Hi! :)
How are you all! I am feeling a
lot better! Still have a runny nose but it's basically gone and I feel fine!
also yes I got the pin and the CTR earrings haha thank you very much! and I got
the sd card with all of the cds which I love and the Halloween card! thank you
thank you!

London was pretty sweet! We had a lot of time to go to a couple
places before our train and so we went to Kings Cross train staition where
Platform 9 and 3/4 from Harry Potter. That was a lot of fun. Then we
went to Covent Gardens and that story is in nathan's email. :) (got to go to london and we got to go to this place called Covent Garden and
there are lots of street performers. There was this guy who blew up some
balloons. the kind of balloons that you make balloon animals out of and he ate
it! he slid it all the way down into his stomach and didnt take it back out! it
was soooo gross!)
Also last night
we got to go to our Chinese investigator Brendas house and she cooked us proper
Chinese. It was different but I liked most of it :) She also invited loads of
friends so we were able to find new people thru that. I tried dumplings and I
did not like them at all!! Also the other week we went to an african ladies
house for dinner and we had these boiled banana things and this spinach fish
sause stuff with rice. As we were eating I kept getting these really crunchy
things. I was chewing and I just thought that it was rice that wasn't cooked or
something. We finished eating and I looked at the african ladies plate and
there were fish bones on her plate.... yup i ate a couple of fish bones and one
got stuck in my throat. It was not pleasant and the food really didnt sit well
with Sister Adam or me! haha

Yesterday I had a really good study in Alma 43! One of the war chapters
between the Lamanites and Nephites and a couple others. anyway I loved it
because Alma prays to the Lord to know where the Lamanites will be and God tells
him. Moroni is the leader and prepares all the Nephites because they are just
trying to protect their families and their religion and he prepared them with
proper clothing and sheilds to gaurd the vital parts of their bodies. The
Lamanites however are barely clothed. Tons of the Lamanites are killed because
of their lack of preparation. The Nephites were protected because of their armor
and God. Although some still died they were better protected. I just related
that to our lives. If we prepare ourselves spiritually thru the scriptures,
prayer, church, and obedience, we will be able to protect our hearts, minds, and
spirits from the temptations of the devil, but as soon as we let our gaurd down
or if we don't prepare properly we will be defeated. Keep preparing and rely on
the Lord and whatever happens we will be able to overcome the adversary!
I love you all so much and miss you even more! you are in my prayers
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