Yhis week was a pretty boring week, ha not too much happened!! It was moves
and I am staying in Exeter for sure. I don't know if I want to move right before
christmas but I am ready to go to a new area! I will just have to wait and see!
I don't really know what I hope happens. but yes it is this week that I go to
London! We are going tomorrow!!
Also I haven't gotten the package yet!
Did you send it to Exeter or to the mission home? also send my christmas package
to the mission home.. the one with the london temple address so that it doens't
get lost. :) I am worried about the other one. Hopefully it will be there now.
Anyway I am getting a cold so that's no fun! It's a head cold so I feel like my
head is going to explode. hopefully it doesn't last very long.
It was a lot of fun on pday, we went bowling with our district! I bowled a
134!! It was the best that I have ever bowled in my life! I was way excited! The
next round wasn't that great but it was so much fun! I got some cute pictures
that I will have to send you! but they are on sister adam's camera! Then after
that the senior couple took us all to pizza hut and bought us pizza! I am glad
because I have no money cause I lost my bus pass :( but we get more travel money
this week so that 's good! also could you send me your cream cheese frosting
recipe? :)
I don't really have a spiritual thought at the moment cause I can't really
think clearly cause of my cold haha. but when i come home I want to start doing
family history! Since i have been out I have really taken interest in it and it
makes me excited to be able to learn how to do it. I love being on a mission,
and I feel like I am running out of time! I can't believe I am nearly half way
done! It blows my mind! ha.. and as for the accent I don't think that I have one
yet! ha sorry! I guess you will just have to see for yourself at christmas. :)
Also i need a money limit for christmas and tell Karli to send me a list! :)
love you all and miss you so so so
love syd
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