This week has been another really busy and really good week. The students seem to be really receptive here in Exeter so that is so good. This week we have seen quite a few miracles. We were able to teach a referral that we got from the office. His name is Alexander and he ordered a Book of Mormon. He is already through the first two books of Nephi and he is really liking it. He said that everything is making a lot of sense to him so that is really amazing. We also we able to watch The Prophet of the Restoration DVD with Theresa, a girl that we have been teaching for a while and something changed in her. She really enjoyed the movie and when we were talking with her afterwards we asked her to just focus on praying about the Book of Mormon rather than praying about a lot of things at once. She said that she would and in her prayer she said thank you for giving Joseph Smith the revelation. It was a cool experience and things are starting to progress with her. The last one was about a girl named Jasmine. She is a chinese student and she is studying business. She arranged a time to meet with us and then she flogged us. Then the next day we got a text from her saying she was sorry and explaining what had happened and then she asked if she could just come to church with us on Sunday, so of course we said yes and she showed up to church and she really enjoyed it. We were so so excited. We are being so blessed here and I am so grateful for that and for all of the people the Lord is trusting us to teach. They are all so eager and willing to learn which makes it that much sweeter.
Sister Adam and I are doing great. We still get on so well. We have a lot
of fun being missionaries together and getting to know all of the members and
the investigators. This week I have been studying in Alma and the past few days
I haven't been able to focus in my study. I am in all the war chapters and they
were just hard for me to take in. But today was such a good study! It was about
Moroni and Ammoron and the city of Gid. And then I continued to read about the
sons of Helaman. These chapters just captured me in today and I was so grateful
for that and was able to learn and apply and feel the spirit so strongly. One of
the things that I learned from them is that it is when we are strong and when we
are spiritually in a good place that Satan is going to try his hardest to make
us slip and fall and so we need to have a watchful eye and not let him deceive
us. But as long as we remember to include the Lord in all that we do we will be
able to overcome the adversary.

The next transfers are on the 12th of Dec. and I think that I will move.
Kind of a bummer because of christmas and all but I want to go to a new area.
Also can you please answer my questions haha. I need a list from karli
desperately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I
don't have a lot of time so please get me a list. Also I sent you a letter about
all the meds and stuff so you will get it this week I believe. Thank you for
all that you guys do. You are so amazing and I think about you everyday. You are
the best family that I could ever have.

Also that is so good that USU is doing
so great!! I am so excited!! and also it's exciting about MC. It's always
Timpview that they go up against. haha but it sounds like football is going good
:) It's what I like to hear. We are going to play football today with some
people for pday! It's going to be fun! Thanksgiving is going to be weird and not
feel right with out you guys but I am still excited :) We are going to a members
home and they are going to make me Thanksgivin dinner!
anyway love you and miss you lots!!
love syd
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