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I have been called to the London England South Mission. I enter the Preston MTC on March 22. I am excited to serve. Thank you so much for everyone that has shown their love and support. My mother will be updating the blog with my pictures and letters.

Monday, April 29, 2013


I am doing so great! i love being a missionary. It is so amazing and the people we get to talk to everyday and share our testimonies with is such a rush and it's so exciting. Training is the best. New missionaries have so much enthusiasm for the work and they are so excited about it and it helps me to rekindle that desire!! Sister Morgan is great and it's been a lot of fun to serve with her so far. We have been lost multiple times trying to figure our way around the city and Waterlooville. Portsmouth ward is so great! we have 5 DA's this week and that is so amazing! I love getting to know the members and their families.
We have had really good weather as well so I hope that it stays for a while. Our flat is fully furnished now so that is good and it is starting to feel like a home! We have been doing sooooo much finding and it's great. we knock all the time and go finding on the high street! we have been given referrals and we have found some really great people. We found a lovely girl named Zoe and she was more than willing to hear what we had to say right on the spot. I love finding people and being able to teach them immediately! this are is so great and i just feel that as long as we work our hardest and be exactly obedient that we are going to see so many miracles here. I can't wait for this week.
This week my study has been so good as well. I can't tell you all cause there is too much but i just love the Book of Mormon so much. It's so amazing and ah i just love everything in it. there is so much in that book and i get so much out every single time i read it. I think you have shared this scripture with my once before but it's Alma 37:37 that say's councel with the Lord in all thy doings.. and as we do that he will help us accopmlish so much more than if we didn't ask Him and tried to do it ourselves. The scriptures are fantastic. Don't go a day without reading them! They can help us so much and we need spiritual nourishment as much as food if not more. :)
I pray for you all all of the time :) and i will continue too. Mom it's about time you got put into RS you are 50 after all :) hahahaha jk but you will be great and there is someone there that needs just you and the Lord will guide you to them or them to you! :) I am excited to talk to all of you in 2 weeks!! can you tell me my name and password again... sorry! i think i know but just in case. :)
well i love you all and hope you have a good week.
love syd

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