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I have been called to the London England South Mission. I enter the Preston MTC on March 22. I am excited to serve. Thank you so much for everyone that has shown their love and support. My mother will be updating the blog with my pictures and letters.

Friday, August 24, 2012


Hello family!!

 It has been a busy couple of weeks!! I have been traveling back and forth between different areas. I am in one area and the flat is right next to the coast. It is soooo pretty! I love it. The beach is very tempting in the heat. It has been about 77 degrees for the past couple days!! I miss having a proper summer. Basically it is either raining here or it's humid or it is just like having the deck misters on. Traveling is crazy but Luckily we have been able to catch a ride with the senior couple! So we haven't had to ride the bus. Yesterday was the first time we had to ride it but it wasn't a bad ride!

I love being on a mission!! I finally have my feet on the ground and am stable so that I can actually enjoy what I am doing. It is the best thing ever and it's so much fun! The gospel is true!!! haha. It's so fun working around all of the other missionaries. I seriously learn so much from all of them. It's so amazing that even tho we are all at different stages in our lives, from different countries, different places spiritually, we can all still come together thru the gospel!! It's a wonderful thing.

Robin, who was baptized 3 weeks ago got to bless the sacrament which was a way cool thing. I was glad that i got to be there when he blessed it. He is so solid. He just wants to know everything about everything which is so great!

That's basically all that has happened this week! love and miss you all so much! you are all so amazing!!
Loly, Syd at her baptism.

She did get to go up to the Olympics!

In her flat

love syd!

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