Roger Clive Millar, 71, and Valerie Ann Aston Millar, nine children, Stone Cliff Ward, St. George Utah Little Valley Stake. Brother Millar serves as a high councilor and is a former counselor in a bishopric, high priest group leader, high councilor and missionary in the Australia Mission. Cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon, Dixie Regional Medical Center. Born in Idaho Falls, Idaho, to Roderick and Louie Estella Millar.
Sister Millar, a Relief Society teacher, is a former counselor in a stake Relief Society presidency, stake and regional dance director, Primary teacher and Relief Society secretary. Born in Chorley, England, to Arthur Victor and Jessie Morris Aston.
This is her First Mission President and wife!

Lyle Eric Shamo, 62, and Tracy Jean Bedney Shamo, eight children, England London South Mission; Parkway 8th Ward, South Jordan Utah Parkway Stake. Brother Shamo is a former counselor in a stake presidency, bishop and counselor, ward Young Men president, high councilor and missionary in the Southwest British Mission. Retired managing director of the Audiovisual Department for the Church. Born in Hurricane, Utah, to George Harry and Irene Brooksby Shamo. Sister Shamo is a gospel doctrine teacher and a former member of a stake Young Women board, counselor in a ward Relief Society presidency, ward Relief Society teacher, Cub Scout leader and ward activities committee chairwoman. Born in Minneapolis, Minn., to Robert Steele and Dorothy Jeanne Bedney.
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